Spring is a fabulous season! It’s all about starting anew. The weather is warmer, the grass is greener, and flowers come sprouting up from the ground, making everything more colorful. With that in mind, the Glitter Girls love to give their homes a fresh look by cleaning things up!

First things first – don’t overdo it! When spring cleaning, we recommend that you handle one room at a time, especially with little ones around. Then, you can use lists to check off each task you complete as you go! Checking boxes is so satisfying, don’t you think?

Here’s a spring cleaning checklist to help inspire you, with tips on how to get kids engaged!


Liddy declutters her closet by labeling a couple baskets: one for keeping, and one for giving away. Easy-peasy! The more visual cues, the easier it is to get kiddos involved, and the faster you can get things done!

Here are some to-dos for the bedroom:

  • Sort clothes for donation
  • Organize the closet with bins and shelving
  • Wash duvets, pillows, and bed skirts
  • Vacuum under the bed and in the closet

Living Room & Workspace

While cleaning the living room, why not bust out the tunes? Odessa loves to listen to music while she tidies things up, and she has a little dance break between tasks. This makes cleaning up a lot more fun for kids and grown-ups alike!

Here’s a list for the living room:

  • Wash couch cushions and blankets
  • Dust blinds and clean curtains
  • Organize shelving and donate old books
  • Toss old pens and markers that are out of ink
  • Sort and store drawings, crafts, and pictures


Ryanne agrees that the kitchen is the heart of the home, so it’s important that it sparkles! Get kids involved by helping you sort through the pantry, and surprise them by hiding their favorite treats inside. Organizing the pantry is a great opportunity to talk about food safety and food banks!

Here’s what we’ll do in the kitchen:

  • Organize drawers and pantry
  • Clean countertops, oven, and fridge
  • Throw out foods past their expiry date
  • Select pantry items for donation


Lacy keeps her bathroom neat and tidy by sorting through the cabinet and getting rid of anything that’s nearly empty or past its prime. In this room, try getting your kiddo involved by having them decide which task they want to tackle, so they feel empowered and learn from their decisions!

Here’s a to-do list for the bathroom:

  • Get rid of expired toiletries
  • Clean the shower curtain
  • Wipe baseboards and walls
  • Organize with caddies

Cleaning is a part of everyday life, so we like to make it as fun as possible! Working together, with positive attitudes, can create good lifelong habits for your little one. Plus, you’ll feel great living in a freshly decluttered home. Happy spring cleaning!

Share With Us

Have any spring cleaning tips to share? Tell us about your adventures by tagging @myglittergirls on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok!

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