Got lots of toy dolls? We don’t blame you! Dolls and all their wonderful accessories are to be cherished, but they can get a little out of hand. They’re just so easy to collect!
The key is to work from the ground up: create an efficient floor plan, sort by category, and organize with useful accessories. But don’t worry – we’ll tackle one thing at a time! To help make sense of your kiddo’s collection, your Glitter Girls pals have come up with a few toy storage tips you can try right away.

Organizing from the Ground Up
Before you decide how to store your kiddo’s dolls and accessories, consider reorganizing their play area with a new layout, so you can increase storage space, efficiency, and comfort. If you can, think of it as a kindergarten classroom with dedicated zones for different activities, such as a reading corner, a crafts table, and a special spot for your child’s dollhouse! Then, get the bins and furniture that you will need. This kindergarten style is not only easy on the eyes but great for tidying up and putting things away!
Try these tips to create space in any room:
- Maximize vertical space with shelving, cubbies, toy hammocks, pendant lights, and hanging storage nets.
- Invest in multi-purpose furniture such as a loft bed with built-in drawers, cabinets, and shelving.
- Make the most of your closet spaces with modular solutions, shelving, and organizers that suit your family’s needs.
- Use flat storage bins to store blankets, bedlinens, or more toys under beds and other hidden locations.
How to Clean Dolls for Storage
It’s important that you clean Glitter Girls dolls every now and then to help prevent damage as well as the spread of germs. To do so, dilute a mild cleaning solution, such as dish soap, in warm water. Then, use a soft cloth to wipe the doll down from head to toe. Allow the doll to air dry completely before dressing it up and putting it away in storage.
Similarly, hand wash doll clothes in the sink with warm water and a mild dish soap. Do not put Glitter Girls clothes in the washing machine. Once washed, let the clothes air dry completely.
One more thing – does your child’s doll have a bird’s nest in her hair? Separate the doll’s hair into small sections, then brush each section gently, working from the bottom up. Spritz a little bit of water onto the hair to help detangle. And voila, your kiddo’s doll will be good as new and ready for storage!
Tips for Storing Dolls and Accessories
Now for the super useful part. Here are some of our favorite ways to store Glitter Girls dolls, clothes, and accessories!
- Organize by function, such as dolls, clothes, shoes, play food, pets, and accessories.
- Compartmentalize bins and drawers even further with dividers or even smaller boxes.
- Use clear containers. Transparent bins and boxes let you see what’s inside, so you can find exactly what you need within a flash.
- Stack containers wisely, with the heaviest ones on the bottom so as not to crush anything.
- Use sturdy, moisture-proof bins for long-term storage. Store them in a cool, dry place.
- Think outside the box with cookie jars, shoe boxes, cutlery organizers, wire bins, hardware cabinets, and more!
- Label containers so you always know what’s in them.
- When buying gifts, look for playsets that have built-in storage solutions, like the Dog House & Pup Set!
- Put larger playsets on surfaces your child can reach, such as a low bookcase, and store their accessories in the shelving underneath.
An organized playroom is a happy playroom! The better you organize, the easier it will be for your child to tidy up on their own, so you can both sparkle brighter. Remember: start small and work your way into a system that works for you! Let us know how you like to organize your toys by tagging us @myglittergirls on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok!
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